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Common use of central air-conditioning


Unscientific use of air conditioning in daily life often cause the so-called "air conditioning disease", the following display of five more representative of the use of central air conditioning errors, to help you more secure use of central air conditioning.

Misunderstanding 1, the temperature is set too low or too high

Air conditioning temperature set too high or too low, the actual use of the impact of both man-machine, but also the impact of air compressor life. Scientific research, summer and autumn two people feel the most comfortable temperature is about 26 ℃, if it is winter, the human body feels warm temperature is about 28 ℃. In addition, if the air conditioning in the customary temperature on the basis of 1 ℃, can save 10% of the power load, the use of air conditioning sleep function can save 20%

Misunderstanding II, in the large space to use low-power air conditioning

Before we said the temperature, in fact, in order to save electricity and buy small pairs of air conditioning on the product design space than the indoor use, will also have a greater impact on the power consumption of air conditioning, the principle and the temperature is too high / low Consistent, and this will increase the possibility of air conditioning failure.

Misunderstanding 3, air conditioning straight blow

Some friends like a sweat home to immediately open the cold air against the blow, or sleep when the intentionally or unintentionally let the air conditioning outlet directly on the bed, the former will let the body temperature dropped sharply, the body may not be able to stand and induce colds and other illnesses ; And the latter, may make the body for a long time at a lower temperature, the same easily lead to headache and other symptoms of cold. In fact, the air conditioning outlet should be biased in height, the general design in the corner, and the bed interval distance.

Misunderstanding 4, do not clean up the dust network

Air conditioning after a long run, dust, dirt will affect the filter, resulting in wind curtain air volume and cooling effect worse, will reduce the air conditioner life, increase power consumption. In general, the air conditioner filter is best to wash once every two weeks (often used in the case), if only at night to open the air conditioning, you can wash once a month to a half months.

Mistakes 5, indoor ventilation

Not ventilated air conditioning is also one of the main reasons for air conditioning disease. People who work long hours in the air conditioning environment, because the air is not in circulation, the environment can not be improved, there will be nasal congestion, dizziness, sneezing, tinnitus, fatigue, memory loss and other symptoms, these conditions and indoor long-term no ventilation


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